Lake Phalen Rowing is a USRowing National Championship winning program that is NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED for students in grades 7-12 who want to learn a new sport, have fun, WIN, and spend time outdoors. The team practices year-round, 6 days per week, and competes in regattas on select weekends. Rowers spend most days on the water but also participate in “land days” that include working out on rowing machines, running, and strength training. This competitive program forms kids into young adults and develops teen athletes who value sportsmanship, fitness, commitment, teamwork, and discipline. We welcome multi-sport athletes to row with us as their schedule allows. Our coaches are USRowing Certified. No previous rowing experience needed. Must be able to swim and lift 30 lbs over head.
Want to be a collegiate athlete? This is where it starts! For some, rowing may be the extra advantage you need for admittance into the school of your choice. For others, athletic scholarships may be offered due to rowing. Our coaches are committed to helping athletes navigate the collegiate recruiting process in all levels of collegiate rowing. Please reach out to us with any questions you might have.
WHEN: School year (2024-2025) August 26-June 7, Monday-Friday 4:30-6pm and Saturday 8-10am.
Summer (2025) June 8-August 22, Monday-Saturday 8-10am.
School year (2025-2026) August 25-June 6, Monday-Friday 4:30-6pm and Saturday 8-10am.
Any youth, including multi-sport athletes are encouraged to join any time throughout the year.
WHERE: Lake Phalen Boat Launch for water training and designated partner facilities for indoor rowing.
COST: $100 recurring payments billed monthly (winter indoor training November-March, on the water rowing April-October)
Basic USRowing membership is required for all rowers($25).
*Any youth that receives free or reduced lunch, or there are special financial circumstances, please email Lakephalenrowing@gmail.com for registration and payment information.
ClOTHING NEEDED: Spandex type shorts (Similar to biking shorts) or running tights along with a comfortable shirt. Any slim-fit outerwear that is constructed of flexible material (not baggy) will also work. A running type shoe is preferred or any athletic shoe is acceptable.